
Psychological Counseling and Guidance

Higher Education Youth refers to a period in an individual’s life, typically during the final stages of adolescence.

This is a period when young people distance themselves from their home and family environment, make their own decisions, and take responsibility for the consequences; they deal with issues such as accommodation, nutrition, academic success, friendships, dating, financial support, and health. It is a time when they are responsible for resolving problems related to personal integrity, identity formation, and self-development for the profession they have chosen.

During this period, the youth becomes more involved in sociological, political, and economic issues that concern themselves, society, and humanity. They become more conscious of customs, traditions, values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. They worry about successfully completing their education in their chosen profession and finding a job after graduation. Throughout this process, they are also trying to discover their identity. Naturally, the individual responsible for solving, deciding, and planning these problems is the youth themselves. However, during this challenging period, they need support. It is during this time that COUNSELING comes into play:

Counseling is professional assistance provided to help the individual understand themselves, solve problems they encounter in life, make realistic decisions about themselves, develop their potential to the fullest, establish balanced and healthy communication with their environment, adapt, and realize their true self.

At Piri Reis University, the goal is to contribute to students’ cognitive, emotional, and social development as a coherent and healthy whole. Our Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service is managed by a Clinical Psychologist. It is important to schedule an appointment to ensure the effective management of the counseling sessions.

In this process, it is essential to maintain confidentiality, trust, and respect for personal rights. Sessions should be conducted in a non-judgmental manner, with unconditional acceptance, active listening, and honest, transparent communication to help students solve the problems they face.

Please read the following information carefully before applying:

► The Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service is located on the Ground Floor of Block B at the Deniz Campus (B-Z12).

► The principle of CONFIDENTIALITY is fundamental in psychological counseling sessions. What is discussed in the counseling sessions remains between the student and the specialist they work with.

► If there is a risk that the student may harm themselves or others, this information will be shared with the relevant persons as required by the relevant laws for protective purposes. This will only occur with the student’s knowledge and consent.

► Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes.

► The duration and frequency of the sessions are determined by the intensity of the issues being addressed, the person’s expectations, and the clinical evaluation of the specialist. Sessions may be focused on a specific issue and short-term, or they may be longer-term.

► The responsibility for following up on sessions lies with the client. If a session needs to be canceled, it must be done at least one day in advance.

► To make an appointment with the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit, you can contact us by phone, email, through the “make an appointment” section on our website, or by visiting us in person. We kindly request that you make your appointments primarily via email. You can reach us at edemir@pirireis.edu.tr or ftokat@pirireis.edu.tr.

Ece DEMİR Contact Information: E-Mail: edemir@pirireis.edu.tr
Phone (Work): (0216) 581- 0050 Ext: 1789

Fırat TOKAT Contact Information: E-Mail: ftokat@pirireis.edu.tr
Phone (Work): (0216) 581- 0050 Ext: 1789