
Pîrî Reis University English Preparatory Department was accredited for 4 years by the International EAQUALS Accreditation body


Piri Reis University English Preparatory School, Piri Reis University Preparatory Campus was audited by Eaquals in 2024. It was assessed that the organisation of courses, learning resources, assessment and evaluation, as well as the teaching and learning plans, met the high standards required for Eaquals accreditation. It has been determined that Pîrî Reis University English Preparatory School takes great care to protect the welfare of all its stakeholders and employees, and that all resources produced by the institution are accurate and truthful.
Pîrî Reis University English Preparatory School has a comprehensive quality improvement plan that is continuously developed and implemented based on analyses of performance and relevant data. Regular review of all administrative and academic systems and procedures informs strategic and academic planning. The activities of the Preparatory Department are well integrated with the University’s strategy and language policy.

Pîrî Reis University English Preparatory School was recognised for excellence in the following categories.

  • Management and Administration Quality Assurance
  • Communication with Staff
  • Communication with Students and Other Stakeholders
  • Course Design and Support Systems
  • Teaching and learning
  • Evaluation and Certification
  • Academic Resources
  • Student Services
  • Staff Profile and Development
  • Learning Environment