Application Date: 13-17 January 2025
Evaluation Date: 20-23 January 2025
Announcement of Results: 24 January 2025
Final Registration Date: 27-31 January 2025
Backup Registration Date: 03-04 February 2025
2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester applications will be made online, and final registrations will be conducted face-to-face at the Piri Reis University Marine Campus Student Affairs Office.
You can access the Internal Transfer Application Form from here.
- 2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester Internal Transfer Quota table will be announced later.
Applications will be made online, and application documents will not be accepted by mail. Applications with missing documents will not be evaluated.
Students who wish to apply for internal transfer to Piri Reis University Associate’s / Bachelor’s programs in the 2024-2025 academic year spring semester must complete their application by 17 January 2025.
You can access the Piri Reis University Internal and Interinstitutional Transfer Regulation here.
- Students who will apply for internal transfer;
- Students who will apply for internal transfer must submit the application form along with ÖSYM placement and result documents
- Students who will apply for Inter-Institutional Transfer (Additional Article-1);
- Student Certificate (Signed and sealed or e-signed),
- Transcript (Transcript in a sealed envelope): An official document showing all courses the applicant student will take from the institution he/she will leave, the credits he/she has taken, the grades he/she has received from these courses and his/her academic achievement average on a semester basis (Photocopies will not be accepted.) Student Certificate (Signed and sealed or e-signed),
- Course Content Student Certificate (Signed and sealed or e-signed),
- Printouts of LYS/YGS/YKS results and ÖSYS placement document for the year the student took the ÖSYM exam,
- Student Certificate (signed, sealed or e-signed) showing that the student has not received any disciplinary punishment during his/her education.
- Student Certificate (signed, sealed or e-signed) stating that students who will apply for horizontal transfer within the scope of Additional Article-1 have not previously made a Horizontal Transfer according to Additional Article-1.
- In applications from universities abroad, it is required that the higher education institution where the student studies abroad and the program in which the education is given is recognized by the Council of Higher Education as an institution authorized to grant associate or undergraduate degrees, that there is an equivalence certificate, and that the equivalence of the diploma program in which the student is registered to the associate or undergraduate diploma program to which he/she applied for horizontal transfer is accepted by the relevant department of our University.
- 1 photo
You can access the Central Placement Additional Article-1 Implementation Principles here.
- Students who will apply for success-based horizontal transfer;
Inter-Institutional Horizontal Transfer and Application Documents:
- Photocopy of National ID Card
- 2 Photos
- ÖSYS/YKS/DGS Result Document and Placement Document according to the type of exam taken to enter the university where he/she is registered (LYS result document for those who will apply to a different department than the one he/she is currently registered in)
- Student Certificate (Must be up-to-date and approved)
- Transcript (2 copies, up-to-date and approved) (Except for those from the preparatory class)
- Course contents (except those from the preparatory class)
- Document stating that the student has not received any disciplinary punishment during his/her education (Signed and Sealed)
- Document showing that no horizontal transfer was made within the scope of Additional Article-1
- Document stating that there is no obstacle to horizontal transfer (This is an important document and must be submitted during registration)
- Students who apply to departments that require a compulsory preparatory program must take the English Proficiency Exam after completing their Horizontal Transfer registration procedures.
Inter-Institutional Horizontal Transfer Application Conditions:
Horizontal transfers based on general grade point average are the quotas of students who will be accepted to Piri Reis University diploma programs through horizontal transfer from equivalent diploma programs of the same level at domestic higher education institutions.
- The diploma program in which the candidate is registered must be equivalent to the Piri Reis University diploma program to which he/she wants to transfer.
- The candidate must be a currently registered student at a higher education institution whose equivalence is accepted by YÖK. Being on leave of absence is not an obstacle to applying for horizontal transfer.
- Transfers are not allowed to the preparatory class, first and second semesters of undergraduate programs, the last two semesters of departments, or the first and last semesters of Vocational Schools.
- Students who meet the GPA requirement but have failed course(s) can also apply for horizontal transfer.
- Students who will apply for horizontal transfer with their GPA must have a GPA of at least 60 out of 100 or at least 2.29 out of 4.00 for the semesters they have completed in the program they are registered in.
- In order to transfer from open and distance education to formal education programs at Piri Reis University, the student’s general grade point average in the program he/she is studying must be over 80 out of 100, at least 3.15 out of 4.00, or the central placement score in the year of registration must be equal to or higher than the base score of the Piri Reis University diploma program he/she wants to transfer to.
- In order to transfer from open and distance education to formal education programs, the candidate’s general grade point average in the program he/she is studying must be 80 out of 100 or higher, or the central placement score in the year of registration must be equal to or higher than the base score of the Piri Reis University diploma program he/she wants to transfer to.
- Those who have been dismissed due to failure or indiscipline due to the actions listed in the relevant article of the Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulation cannot apply for horizontal transfer. In order for a student to apply for horizontal transfer, they must not have received any disciplinary punishment other than a warning.
(D) Application Documents for Inter-Institutional Transfer Associate Degree Programs from Abroad (According to the legislation, applications can only be received for the Maritime Vocational School in the Spring semester.)
Application Documents for Horizontal Transfer from Abroad:
- Photocopy of National ID Card
- 2 Photos
- High School Diploma (MEB equivalence certificate for high school graduations from abroad)
- ÖSYS/YKS and LYS results or equivalent documents, depending on the type of exam taken to enter the university where he/she is registered.
- Certified Turkish translation of Student Certificate (Must be up-to-date and certified)
- Certified Turkish translation Transcript (2 pieces)
- Certified Turkish translation Course Contents
- Turkish translation of Disciplinary Status Document
- Equivalence certificate received from the new YÖK
- Document stating that the student has not received any disciplinary punishment during his/her education (Signed and Sealed)
- Document Proving That There Is No Obstacle to Horizontal Transfer
- Border Entry-Exit Document (Must be obtained from the General Directorate of Security.)
- Passport Approval Pages for the Period You Studied Abroad
Application Conditions for Horizontal Transfer from Abroad
- In horizontal transfer from higher education institutions abroad, students who have the base score for the relevant class of the diploma program to which the student wants to transfer at Piri Reis University can apply for horizontal transfer without requiring success in all courses in which they have taken higher education abroad. The horizontal transfer applications of students who apply in this way are evaluated outside the scope of the international horizontal transfer quota within the framework of the principles determined by the university senate.
- In case of being registered at a university that is outside the first four hundred percentile;
- Those who have completed their secondary education in Turkey must have taken the central placement exam in any case and have met the success ranking requirement in the relevant score type of the program for which success ranking is required as of the registration year,
- Those who have completed at least the last two years of their secondary education abroad must have successfully completed at least four semesters of the diploma program they are enrolled in, excluding the preparatory class. e) Those who have equivalent exam scores accepted by the Council of Higher Education for YGS and LYS base scores must also meet the conditions in items (a) and (b).
- For programs that do not require a success ranking; students who started their education at universities ranked in the top 500 in the QS and Times World Rankings as of the 2017-2018 academic year and who have successfully completed at least the second grade, excluding the preparatory class, can apply for horizontal transfer to the 3rd grade (3rd and 4th grades in those with a 5-year education period, and 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades in those with a 6-year education period). In associate degree programs, these students can apply for horizontal transfer to the third semester (second year).
- Applications regarding registration procedures at higher education institutions and horizontal transfer procedures between higher education institutions specified in this directive must be made directly to Piri Reis University.
- Students who transfer from a higher education institution abroad to Piri Reis University within this scope cannot benefit from scholarship/discount opportunities and are directly registered to fee-based programs/departments. (Additional phrase: Senate Article 2 dated 04.09.2024 and numbered 2024/14) However, a 10% discount is applied to female students who will study in the Marine Transportation Management, Ship Machinery Management, Marine and Port Management, Marina and Yacht Management and Mechatronics programs affiliated to our University’s Faculty of Maritime Studies or Maritime Vocational School.
- ***A report stating “YOU CAN BE A SEAMAN”, obtained from public and private health institutions authorized in accordance with the provisions of the seafarers’ health directive, will be prepared by the students of Maritime Faculty (Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering and Marine Engineering Management) and Maritime Vocational School (Maritime Transportation and Management, Marine Engineering Management, Mechatronics, Marine and Port Management, Marina and Yacht Management). After the hospital report is completed, a photocopy of the Seafarers’ Health Examination Certificate, approved by the GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH FOR BORDER AND COASTS, will be submitted to the Student Affairs Directorate during registration.
- ****For our students who will enroll in the Maritime Vocational School Underwater Technologies Program, a photocopy of the health report stating “HE/HE WILL BE A PROFESSIONAL UNDERWATER MAN” will be submitted to the Student Affairs Directorate during registration.
- (Students who do not receive the Seafarers Health Examination Certificate or who do not receive the Professional Diver health report or who do not meet the Seafarer/Professional Diver conditions required by the program will not be registered.)
English Proficiency Exam
In horizontal transfers between faculties and departments of Piri Reis University, English proficiency requirement is not required for students who successfully pass the preparatory class with 60 points.
Students coming from outside Piri Reis University will be subject to the English Preparatory Class Education-Teaching Exam Regulation.
Nationally and internationally valid documents that meet foreign language exemption requirements are evaluated by the Preparatory School Directorate.
In addition, the conditions for benefiting from our University’s horizontal transfer scholarships / discounts will be valid in the following cases.
- Transfer scholarships/discounts are only valid for annual registration renewals; scholarships/discounts are not valid for extension periods and per-credit fees.
- In horizontal transfer scholarships/discounts, the student’s duration is calculated according to the class to which the student is adapted.
- The semesters you have studied before transferring, excluding the preparatory class, are deducted from the total scholarship period.
- The scholarship/discount rates to be given may be evaluated each year. You can contact the Financial Affairs Directorate regarding fees.
You can access our University’s Base and Ceiling Scores on an Academic Year Basis here.
2020 Academic Year DGS EK Base and Ceiling Scores
2020 Academic Year DGS Base and Ceiling Scores
2020 Academic Year YKS EK Base and Ceiling Scores Table 3
2020 Academic Year YKS ADDITIONAL Base and Ceiling Scores TABLE 4
2020 Academic Year YKS Base and Ceiling Scores
2021 Academic Year DGS EK Base and Ceiling Scores
2021 Academic Year DGS Base and Ceiling Scores
2021 Academic Year YKS ADDITIONAL Base and Ceiling Scores TABLE 3
2021 Academic Year YKS ADDITIONAL Base and Ceiling Scores TABLE 4
2021 Academic Year YKS Base and Ceiling Scores
2022 Academic Year DGS EK Base and Ceiling Scores
2022 Academic Year DGS Base and Ceiling Scores
2022 Academic Year YKS ADDITIONAL Base and Ceiling Scores TABLE 3
2022 Academic Year YKS ADDITIONAL Base and Ceiling Scores TABLE 4
2022 Academic Year YKS Base and Ceiling Scores
2023 Academic Year DGS EK Base and Ceiling Scores
2023 Academic Year DGS Base and Ceiling Scores
2023 Academic Year YKS Additional Base and Ceiling Scores
2023 Academic Year YKS Base and Ceiling Scores
2024 Academic Year DGS EK Base and Ceiling Scores
DGS base and ceiling scores for the 2024 academic year
2024 Academic Year YKS Additional Base and Ceiling Scores
2024 Academic Year YKS Base and Ceiling Scores