Vision - Mission
To be a pioneer in Turkey and a respected specialized university worldwide, adding value to the sector by aiming for excellence in education and research in every field related to maritime.
To provide student-focused education and training at universal standards, in cooperation and solidarity with all stakeholders; to meet the qualified human resources needed by the maritime sector by raising individuals who have 21st century competencies, can practice their profession anywhere in the world, have leadership qualities, have adopted sustainable development goals, aim for continuous development under the guidance of reason and science in line with Atatürk’s principles, have internalized the maritime culture, and have high moral values. To carry out research and project development activities aimed at the production, transformation into products and dissemination of knowledge in order to ensure the development of the maritime sector. To wave the flag of Piri Reis University by serving the society in all kinds of activities that will contribute to the goal of a maritime nation and a maritime country.