Mission |
Name Surname |
Rector (President) |
Prof. Dr. Nafiz ARICA |
Vice Rector V. |
Prof. Dr. Hatice Funda YERCAN |
Vice Rector V. |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ziya SÖĞÜT |
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Nafiz ARICA |
Dean of Maritime Faculty |
Prof. Dr. Cüneyt EZGİ |
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Aykut ARSLAN |
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering |
Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı HELVACIOĞLU |
Dean of the Faculty of Law |
Prof. Dr. Sezer ILGIN |
Representative of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Prof. Dr. Sahibe Meral ÇAKICI |
Faculty of Engineering Representative |
Prof. Dr. Selim SİVRİOĞLU |
Faculty of Law Representative |
Prof. Dr. Bahar Ceyda SÜRAL EFEÇINAR |
Representative of Maritime Faculty |
Prof. Dr. Hatice Funda YERCAN |
Representative of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences |
Doç. Dr. Orhan Özgür AYBAR |
Director of the Institute of Graduate Studies |
Doç. Dr. Orhan Özgür AYBAR |
Director of Maritime Vocational School |
Dr. Öğr. Gör. Zeki YAŞAR |
Secretary General / Rapporteur |