Piri Reis University has prioritized its goals of becoming a world-class university with a focus on the main points defined in its strategic plan as mission objectives. These include being innovative, fostering teamwork, entrepreneurial, environmentally conscious, committed to ethical values, aware of social responsibility and societal contribution, conducting research services, and being able to respond to industry needs and contribute to science with a continuous improvement approach.
In this context, understanding the contribution of research and development activities, conducted at global quality and standards, to education, teaching, and social service, Piri Reis University has the following research and development strategy:
- Ensure the development and support of qualified academics to achieve scientific productivity at global standards.
- Continuously improve the existing infrastructure for research and development activities.
- Increase participation in national and international research support funds/programs.
- Enhance the quality and quantity of research and publications.
- Encourage interdisciplinary research by increasing collaborations with national and international internal/external stakeholders.
- Develop and promote joint projects with the industry/sector.
- Conduct research and development to solve national and international problems, contributing to society.
This constitutes the research and development strategy of Piri Reis University.
Piri Reis University’s education and teaching policy is based on the principle of producing information, technology, and services on a universal scale, providing inspiration and guidance. It prioritizes humanity, interacts with society, and commits to providing education, conducting research, offering services, and creating solutions in accordance with international standards.
- Adopt an educational model that supports student participation and success, values students’ professional, intellectual, and social development, equips them with lifelong learning skills, and guides them towards competency-based innovative and entrepreneurial practices.
- Continuously enrich student-centered learning, teaching, and assessment activities with various educational technologies and programs, and apply pioneering approaches in all areas of Maritime by evaluating them with internal and external stakeholders.
- Not only consider university enrollees, but also evaluate a broader audience as potential students and make education and teaching accessible to a wider audience.
- Strengthen the connection between educational programs and research and development activities by reinforcing practical training.
- Continuously improve education and teaching processes by enhancing collaboration with stakeholders and strengthening national and international partnerships.
The most valuable contribution of Piri Reis University to society is its graduates, who are fully equipped with social, cultural, and intellectual knowledge. Our university, which has adopted the mission of raising individuals who will contribute to the development of humanity, continuously improves its education and teaching processes in this regard.
- Train qualified students who are competent not only in theory but also in practical fields.
- Act in line with the goal of creating a better future through research and innovation.
- Continuously encourage its academics and research teams to ensure that research and development activities translate into societal contributions.
- Add value by contributing to science and humanity through various application and research centers it houses.
- Contribute to solving the problems of the Turkish and global maritime sectors.
- Enlighten and inform all segments of society about the history of Turkish maritime.
- Produce international publications and projects with distinguished academics and the support of the Technology Transfer Office.
- Contribute to raising socially responsible generations through social responsibility projects involving students and academic staff.
- Support the careers of its graduates and contribute to human capital for various sectors, particularly in maritime.
- Continuously improve its education and teaching processes by closely following global developments and requirements in education and professional life, ensuring that its graduates create added value and benefit society.
- Provide social support outside of Turkey through close collaboration and cooperation with international institutions and organizations.
- Contribute to creating a sustainable future for nature and future generations with the Green Campus initiative.
- Be an exemplary foundation university that upholds culture and history, and follows the principles of ethical, sustainable improvement in all areas.
All of these processes are carried out while considering the interests of all our stakeholders and with their support.
With the increasing globalization, it has become essential for higher education institutions to acquire international qualifications in order to make a difference. As stated in Piri Reis University’s vision and mission, one of its main goals is “to be a university that provides education and conducts research at world-class standards.” The internationalization policy has three main sub-headings: education and teaching, research and development, and societal contribution, all of which are based on the principles of maintaining originality, sustainability, academic respectability, and contributing to national development.
Education and Teaching:
- Increase international collaborations.
- Ensure that the courses offered within the university are of high quality and efficiency, providing education at an international level.
- Increase student, academic, and administrative mobility by participating in exchange programs and collaborating with partner universities abroad.
- Establish dual degree program agreements.
- Implement programs based on protocols.
- Provide support for the provision of higher education services abroad.
Research and Development:
- Develop partnerships with internationally recognized maritime universities and create joint projects.
- Host large-scale, high-budget research and development projects.
- Organize international congresses, conferences, and summits, inviting pioneers from relevant fields.
- Attract the best researchers in specialized fields to the country, thereby enhancing the institution’s and the country’s international competitiveness.
Societal Contribution:
- Contribute to the development of the country’s human capital.
- Support the national economy.
- Foster cultural diversity.
- Enhance the country’s competitiveness through the development of diverse geopolitical and economic relationships made possible by international collaborations.
- Improve the country’s reputation positively.
In line with its mission, vision, and strategic goals, Piri Reis University aims to reach its objectives by making the most efficient use of the advantages of distance education while addressing its disadvantages through participatory principles and implementing appropriate monitoring and improvement methods. To achieve the desired outcomes in educational activities, the university strives to provide the necessary technical and physical infrastructure to both students and academics. In this context, our fundamental policy is to maintain a strong technological infrastructure to provide our students with education and teaching opportunities that are open to sustainable development and meet international standards.
Piri Reis University aims to ensure the existence and sustainability of a quality-focused management system in the process of creating value at national and international levels through education, research and development, societal contribution, internationalization, management, and administrative services. The university’s “management system policy” includes the following key elements:
- Ensuring that rational and measurable performance indicators, defined according to the core values in the university’s Strategic Plan, are monitored and continuously improved in accordance with the requirements of the quality management system.
- Establishing mechanisms to gather feedback from all identified strategic stakeholders and implementing management systems that ensure their satisfaction.
- Ensuring the effective use of resources and the development and sustainability of administrative and technological infrastructure in the areas of education, research and development, societal contribution, and internationalization.
- Monitoring and continuously improving all processes carried out with the university’s stakeholders (suppliers, subcontractors, service recipients, etc.) through efforts aimed at increasing service quality, in accordance with the requirements of the quality management system.
- Using, monitoring, and continuously improving quality systems to ensure the effectiveness of all resources (labor, ideas, machinery, equipment, etc.) used for effective resource management in the institution.
- Investigating best practices used in the effectiveness of management systems and processes and ensuring their integration into the institution.