
Scholarship Directive

Full Scholarship (%100 Scholarship)

This is a scholarship given to students who are placed and registered at Piri Reis University with a Full Scholarship according to the results of the central placement exam, and no tuition fee is charged from these students.

50% Discount

This is a discount given to students who are placed and registered at Piri Reis University with a 50% Discount according to the results of the central placement exam, and 50% of the tuition fee is not charged from these students.

Academic Success Scholarship

Among the students who are accepted at our university with a fee or partial scholarship/discount, who increase their Cumulative Grade Point Average to 3.00 out of 4.00 and above according to the evaluation to be made at the end of each academic year except for the preparatory class, and who have taken all the courses they are required to take, and who have not received any disciplinary punishment, the following rates are discounted from the tuition fee for the academic year following that year. According to the announced criteria, if the success scholarship earned is lower than the ÖSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center) quota and/or preference scholarship rate received by the student, no discount is applied; if it is higher, a discount is made for the difference. The duration of this scholarship is one (1) year.

G.N.O Discount Rate
3.75-4.00 %75
3.50-3.74 %40
3.00-3,49 %10

YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam) Success Ranking Scholarship

A cash scholarship support in the amounts specified below is provided to students who are in the top 30.000 in terms of success ranking in relevant score types according to the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) results and who choose our University’s Marine Transportation Management Engineering, Marine Engineering Management Engineering, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and Maritime Management departments for 9 months each year during the normal education period.

Success Ranking Scholarship Amount
0-10.000 5.000 TL
10.001-20.000 4.000 TL
20.001-30.000 3.000 TL

Veteran-Martyr Discount

A 50% discount is given to those who have been granted the title of veteran or martyr by the Republic of Türkiye and their children on the tuition fee.

Sibling Discount

This is a discount given to sibling students studying in our university’s academic units. A 5% discount is given to each sibling’s tuition fee. If one of the sibling graduates or is dismissed from the university for any reason, the discount for both siblings ends.

Female Student Discount

A 10% discount on the remaining tuition fee is applied to female students studying in the Maritime Transportation Management, Ship Machinery Management, Marine and Port Management, Marina and Yacht Management and Mechatronics programs affiliated with our University’s Maritime Faculty or Maritime Vocational School.

Anatolian Maritime Vocational High School and Anatolian Maritime Technical Vocational High School Graduates Discount

Among the students who are the graduates of Anatolian Maritime Vocational High School or Anatolian Maritime Technical Vocational High School and cannot benefit from the preference scholarship discount, a 20% discount is given to students who are placed in our university’s undergraduate or associate degree programs with full fees, and a 10% discount is given to students who are placed in programs with a 50% scholarship on the remaining tuition fee.

University İMEAK Chamber of Shipping (DTO) Employee Discount

A 20% discount is provided to Piri Reis University and İMEAK Chamber of Shipping employees and their children on the remaining tuition fee. The discount ends if the employee leaves their job for any reason.

Chamber of Shipping Member Discount

A 10% discount is provided to Chamber of Shipping members or their children on the condition that they have been an active member of the Chamber of Shipping for at least 1 year as of the application date. If the academic year GPA (Grade Points Average) for which the discount is applied remains below 2.5 or if the relevant person’s Chamber of Shipping membership ends, the discount ends the following year.

Student Athlete Scholarship

The following scholarships are applied to support the sports activities of our university students.

  1. In accordance with the memorandum of understanding signed between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Foundation Universities, national athletes who document that they have been successful in the following sports fields in the last 4 years will receive a 100% tuition fee discount if they are accepted to the university according to their YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam) results.

Group 1: Athletes who have won medals in the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games, Youth Olympics, World and European Championship Finals in the senior category of Olympic and Paralympic sports, World and European Cup Finals in the senior category of sports branches for which World and European Championships are not held,

Group 2: Athletes who have won medals in the World and European Championship Finals in the categories Junior, Youth and Stars in Olympic and Paralympic sports, the World and European Cup Finals in the categories of Junior, Youth and Stars in sports branches for which World and European Championships are not held, the European Games, the University Games, the Mediterranean Games, the Islamic Games, the European Olympic Youth Summer and Winter Festivals, the World Championships organized by FISU (International University Sports Federation), and athletes who have participated in the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games and Youth Olympics,

Group 3: Athletes who have won medals in international competitions and tournaments organized in Olympic and Paralympic sports and included in the competition calendar of international federations, in which at least 16 national athletes in individual sports and at least 9 national teams in team sports participated, and athletes who participated in European and World Championship Finals organized in the Senior, Junior, Youth and Star categories of Olympic and Paralympic sports, and in World and European Cup finals in the Senior, Junior, Youth and Star categories of sports branches for which World and European Championships are not held.

  1. Students who currently hold a Professional Athlete ID issued by the Federations affiliated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports receive a 20% discount on the tuition fee of the first academic year following the competitions they participate in representing the university.
  2. In university teams, team players who participate in competitions organized by the Turkish University Sports Federation and advance to the next league, and team players who become champions in tournament competitions, will receive a 50% discount from the tuition fee of the first academic year following the competitions they participate in.
  3. In university teams, Team players who play in the semi-finals or finals in competitions organized by the Turkish University Sports Federation will receive a 25% discount on the registration fee of the first academic year following the competitions they participate in.
  4. Individual athletes who participate in competitions organized by the Turkish University Sports Federation and represent the university in their own branches and come first, will receive a 50% discount on the tuition fee of the first academic year following the competitions they participate in.
  5. Individual athletes who participate in competitions organized by the Turkish University Sports Federation and represent the university and rank 2nd and 3rd in the competitions will receive a 30% discount on the tuition fee of the first academic year following the competitions they participate in.
  6. Amateur student athletes who participate in sports selections held within the University and are selected for university teams and who are successful in the training under the supervision of coaches and are included in the main squads of the teams, and individual amateur athletes who participate in the competitions held in their own branches,representing the University, will receive a 10% discount on the tuition fee of the first academic year following the competitions they participate in.
  7. Students who represent the university in more than one branch and are entitled to receive athlete discounts at various rates can only benefit from the highest discount rate.
  8. Except for those specified in item “a”, athletic scholarships end if the student “Fails” in the preparatory class and if the grade point average falls below 2.00 in other classes.

Important Note: Students can only benefit from the highest of the discounts mentioned in the directive, except for the academic success scholarship.

Non-refundable scholarships/discounts (including ÖSYM quota scholarships and preference discounts) continue for 2 semesters during the English preparatory education, which is the normal education period, 8 semesters in undergraduate programs, and 4 semesters in associate degree programs, without any requirements for course or success. At the end of these periods, the scholarship or discount of students who are not successful/cannot graduate ends.