
PRU Training Pool

Our University’s Training Pool serves to provide PERSONAL SURVIVAL AT SEA training to our students of the Maritime Faculty and Maritime Vocational School, which train seafarers, in accordance with the international agreement on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). In this context, the practical STCW training topics in the pool are as follows:

  • Points to consider when abandoning the ship
  • Materials in the life raft
  • Abandoning the ship with a life raft
  • Abandoning the ship by jumping into the water (wet abandonment)
  • Methods of swimming in the water after wet abandonment
  • Techniques for sustaining life in cold water
  • Methods of exiting the life raft from the water
  • Propelling the life raft with oars
  • Correcting an overturned life raft

Real sea conditions are created with the computer-controlled simulation system in our training pool and our students are provided with this environment during training. These simulation features which can be changed instantly with remote control are:

  • Creating waves of desired size and type
  • Abandoning the ship in low visibility conditions (making fog)
  • Abandoning the ship in night conditions (closing the curtains)
  • Creating various sound effects (alarm, thunder)
  • Various light effects (lightning, flashing lights)

In addition to the specified features and trainings, our training pool offers training opportunities for our university’s water sports teams (swimming, water polo, etc.). Moreover, basic SCUBA training is also provided in the pool for our students who want to spend their free time swimming.

Our pool also provides service during and outside working hours according to the determined timetable for our staff and students who want to spend their free time swimming.