This table details the gender distribution of academic staff at our university. The data provides information about the gender balance of our faculty members and research assistants and is used to reflect the diversity and equality situation in academic staff. Gender balance is an indication of our university’s effort to promote equal opportunities and inclusivity in the academic environment. These data provide important clues about the steps that need to be taken to ensure gender equality among academic staff. Our university develops and implements various strategies to support diversity and equality in academic staff. The table provides a basis for evaluating the impact and progress of these strategies. Achieving gender equality goals aims to ensure equal opportunities not only among academic staff but throughout the university community.

The gender distribution of starting and leaving staff provides a basis for understanding our university’s progress towards achieving its diversity and equality goals. This data can inform both new hiring strategies and areas where existing personnel policies need to be reviewed. Gender ratios between titles provide information on the diversity and equality of academic staff and provide important data on gender balance in the academic hierarchy.

These data help evaluate the effects of policies implemented to achieve gender equality in different academic titles. The gender distribution among titles reflects our university’s efforts to promote equal opportunity among academic staff and gender balance in various leadership roles.